
Details zum Projekt

  • Name

    Zinc Borate Production Facility

  • Industrie


  • Produkt

    Zinc Borate (2ZnO.3B2O3)

  • Umfang

    Basic and Details Engineering
    Process Equipment Design and Manufacturing
    Site Assembly and Piping
    Electrification, Instrumentation and Automation
    Steel Structures and Construction
    Testing and Commissioning

  • Status


As a result of the R&D studies carried out with boron mineral, which delays the formation and development of flames, the installation of Zinc Borate Plant was considered to increase the wider use of boron in the industry. Fine Crystalline Zinc Borate chemical product is a raw material frequently used by many industries with its flame retardant properties that suppress smoke and prevent corrosion. Selecting the appropriate reaction conditions in the production of Zinc Borate chemical is important for the very fine grained crystalline product to be obtained.

ASOS provides process solutions for the Crystalline Zinc Borate Plant:

  • Special Designed Swirl Flash Dryer Unit for characterization of stable products, 
  • Reaction Units specially designed for obtaining fine crystals,
  • Special Design Filtration Unit to obtain a Low Moisture product
  • Precision Pneumatic Transport Unit,
  • Redundant Automatic Process Control (DCS) Unit providing control of the entire plant from a single point.

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