
ASOS utilizes its extensive EPC experience and expertise to assemble various types of industrial facilities in accordance with customer and contract requirements. These assemblies encompass the installation of all necessary construction, steel structures, and auxiliary facilities, in addition to process equipment.

ASOS prioritizes Health, Safety, Environment, and Work Quality and, along with its experienced team and state-of-the-art equipment, offers a wide range of services, from the installation of large industrial facilities to the assembly of small, precision equipment.

By adopting a proactive approach, ASOS delivers projects on time and with high quality, implementing safety measures such as custom construction procedures, lifting plans, risk assessments, and more.

Scope of Field Services:

  • Project management and technical coordination
  • Supervisory services
  • Construction works
  • Steel assembly works
  • Mechanical assembly works
  • Piping works
  • Insulation and cladding works
  • Electrical assembly and cabling works
  • Commissioning

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